Northridge, CA is waiting for you!
Welcome to Walnut RV Park
Walnut RV Park is a good old fashioned full hook-up RV camp site located within the city of Northridge, nestled in the beautiful San Fernando Valley, close to Hollywood and Los Angeles, in Southern California. We offer daily/weekly and monthly options to serve your vacation or stay-cation needs. Check out our latest post for our new Specials and newest price rollbacks! You can also now text us with your reservation requests to (818) 775-0704.
Starting at $119/day
Camping & Glamping
Walnut RV Park has a long history before it became an RV Park. We've been here since the 60's and a city has grown around us. Now we have to work with the little piece of land we have! Because we are an Urban Park, we adopt everything around us and make it our own - Camping Hipsters. It really is a great thing because we take pride to say we have X. Y and Z! When you come to Walnut RV Park it'll be like getting a hotel in a city - everything is at your fingertips. We also have a few things you'd expect, some city noise and city ordinances, like no burning of wood or fire pits. But you're not coming to Los Angeles to hide away, at Walnut RV Park we'll give you big city comfort in a friendly, old-fashioned camping environment - the best of both worlds. We now offer FREE basic WiFi throughout the park for surfing the WEB!